Loan origination made seamless with one complete platform.

Elphi provides the elements you need to originate loans faster.
A new solution for old problems.

Automated Checklists

Work smarter and let our platform automatically break down your daily tasks into simple actionable items.​

All you need to do is:
1. Configure a checklist-driven process

2. Automate actionable checklist items

3. Track progress, making sure nothing slips through the cracks

Entity tree

Configurable Workflows Without Code

With our platform's robust configurability, you can:

1. ‍Define triggers and automation, based on any data point in the system, with no code

2. Create and control your own workflows, views, user permissions, and much more

Open APIs

Integrate effortlessly, gain access to real-time data, and optimize efficiency.

1. Leverage our out-of-the-box 3rd party integrations to automate error-free data entry, file uploading, and verification

2. Gain access to real-time data and analytics, empowering informed decision-making

3. Utilize our open APIs to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, enhancing workflow effectiveness

Open APIs
Tasks section

No Switching Pain

Implementation takes weeks, training takes days.

1. Transition to Elphi’s platform with ease, leveraging our APIs to seamlessly migrate your data

2. Experience rapid implementation, and streamline user training and onboarding

3. Maximize productivity and minimize disruption to your operations with our user-friendly platform

A platform built for private lenders.

We know your unique business needs,  Elphi offers the only platform to solve them.
Entity tree

Manage Complex Borrowing Entity Structures.

There is no entity structure our platform doesn't support.

1. Create and manage complex entity structures and relationships

2. Easily define ownership percentage and roles

3. Update, in real-time, borrowing entities’ information across all loans

Task name and status

Effortlessly Underwrite Repeat Borrowers.

Win repeat clients' loyalty by enhancing their experience.

1. Collect and verify borrowers’ data once, using our configurable checklist

2. Attach repeat borrowers to new loans, without having to re-underwrite them

3. Manage real-time changes through our designated borrowers' page

Portfolio loan

Unlock Portfolio Loans.

Collateral management made easy.

1. Onboard large portfolio loans in seconds

2. Accelerate decision-making and processing with instant access to multiple properties’ data

3. Separate portfolios to multiple loans, if necessary

Package type dropdown

Generate Document Packages.

Produce tailored documents with our proprietary technology.

1. Utilize our rules engine to set up the triggers for the document packages created

2. Map field references to documents, and eliminate the need to edit docs after generation

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